Monrovia: Police Conformation Clearance in the possession of this paper indicates that, Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson Tamba Koijee, and Varlee Telleh who were first accused by Cllr. Jerome J. Verdier, Sr., of being responsible for the gruesome killing of Charloe Musu, daughter of former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, Gloria Musu Scott, were exonerated and/or discharged from further questioning due to lack of evidence to link them to the commission of the crime (murder).
Cllr. Verdier, now based in the United States of America (USA), is the former Chairman of the erstwhile Liberia Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).
According to the Police conformation Clearance, in view of the directive by the Inspector General of Police, Patrick T. Sudue, “we herewith issue Monrovia City Mayor, Jefferson Tamba Koijee, this Police Conformation Clearance for lack of evidence, Criminal Culpability in connection to the gruesome murder of Charloe Musu; and for reference purpose.”
It can be recalled that on 22nd February, 2023, the Liberia National Police responded to a distressed call at the home of the former Chief Justice, Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott, located in Lower Virginia, Montserrado County.
The Police Conformation Clearance noted that, information gathered revealed that on the date and time mentioned supra, the home of the former chief justice came under attack by an alleged intruder who allegedly stabbed her 29-year-old daughter, Charloe Musu, as a result of which the victim was rushed to the Faith Health Center due to her critical condition.
According to the Police conformation Clearance, the medical personnel on call referred her case to the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town, where she (Charloe Musu) was pronounced dead before arrival (DBA) by medical doctor on call.
The Police Conformation Clearance revealed that, on the 1st of March 2023, the LNP Investigative Team met with Major Jefferson T. Koijee and Mr. Varlee Telleh relative to the accusation made against them by Cllr. Jerome Verdier, Sr. accusing them as mastermind and perpetrator of the crime respectively.
The Police conformation Clearance stressed that, separate interviews were conducted with the accused persons in an effort to get their accounts; and both men (Mayor Koijee and Barlee Telleh) denied any involvement into the incident that occurred at former chief justice Scott’s house, non-do they have any knowledge about same, describing Cllr. Verdier’s accusation as ‘baseless, fake and lacks any iota of truth.’
The Police conformation Clearance further indicated that on 2nd March, 2023, an investigative team spoke with the Diaspora Liberian Lawyer, Cllr. Jerome J. Verdier, Sr., through the Dep. Inspector General of Police for Crime Services, Prince B. Mulbah, requesting him (Cllr. Verdier) to assist the investigation with whatsoever facts and/or evidence he may have that could have been of evidential impotence to the investigation, in support of his allegations made when he appeared on a local radio station (Spoon Network) where he linked Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee and Mr. Varlee Telleh to the death of Charloe Musu.
The Police conformation Clearance pointed out that, during the telephonic interview (via phone) with Cllr. Jerome J. Verdier, Sr., he emphatically said that he had no evidence or any facts, whatsoever, documentary or otherwise; rather, he was only giving the LNP a lead that any investigator can use to solve a case.
“I don’t have any evidence, be it documentary or whatsoever, but I’m giving you leads that any investigator can use to solve a case,” he concluded.
On March 7, 2023, the Police conformation Clearance stated that, the investigation, through the offices of the Inspector General of Police, reached out to Cllr. Verdier via email and WhatsApp, requesting him to provide evidence to substantiate his allegations against Mayor Koijee and Mr. Telleh.
Again. Police conformation Clearance noted, he responded through WhatsApp, but failed to provide evidence as requested of him.
That, call log analysis, according to the Police conformation document, showed that there was no communication between Major Jefferson T. Koijee and Mr. Varlee Telleh prior to, during, and after the incident at Cllr. Gloria Musu Scott’s house as it was widely insinuated by diaspora Liberian lawyer, Cllr. Jerome J. Verdier, Sr. accusing the latter of criminally conspiring to carry out said act at the former chief justice’s house.
The Police Clearance stated that, investigation, having thoroughly reviewed the case background narratives, crime scene visitations, neighborhood canvassing, follow-up police actions, review of statements obtained from persons of interest and witnesses, interviews and investigation conducted, case analysis and findings, it was verified, certified and established that there was no intruder, no armed robber, nor assailant into the home of Cllr. Gloria Musu-Scott on the night of the incident, same being February 22, 2023.