Home Education COB/AWF-Liberia Ordained New District Superintendent in Lofa County … Baptize 33 Members

COB/AWF-Liberia Ordained New District Superintendent in Lofa County … Baptize 33 Members

by News Manager

By Alfred L.M. Gezaye

MONROVIA: On Sunday, May 5, 2024, the long-awaited induction and ordination ceremony for Pastor Francis M. Kollie of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in the Tebomai Community, Voinjama City, Lofa County, was held with the President of the Alliance World Fellowship-Liberia leading the process.
The program was officiated by Dr. Roosevelt Zarwulugbo Liberty, Sr., President of the Alliance World Fellowship-Liberia.

He called upon the newly inducted and ordained district superintendent of Lofa County and other men of God under his voice to lead God’s church without reproach.

Rev. Liberty said men of God should be careful in taking care of the people in the church and the community at-large because, according to him, if care is not observed, they will bring disgrace upon the church of the living God.

Dr. Liberty delivered his sermon on the theme: The Work and Qualifications of a Christian Leader. The text was taken from I Timothy 3:1-7.

He emphasized the importance of aligning one & #39 actions with the principles of Christianity, especially when serving as a leader in the church.

He warned that accepting free money from established institutions with restrictions can be problematic, and may even result in legal consequences such as jail time for pastors or bishops.
Therefore, it is essential for church leaders to be vigilant and investigate any potential gifts they receive from other institutions.

Dr. Liberty also used the philosophy of a little fish in the water to explain that “…only a hungry man can seek for food, but there is potential trouble if the food seeks for the hungry man.”
The President of the Church of the Believers and Alliance World Fellowship instructed the newly inducted/ordained AWF District Superintendent to lead by example for those under his authority.

Failing to do so could cause problems for the church in that part of Liberia. As COB/AWF District Superintendent, do not align yourself with political parties, if you do, you will be dividing God &#39 people in the church. Be careful as a pastor how you relate to people before you bring disgrace to the church, he stressed.

Dr. Liberty indicated that it is not uncommon for Godly leaders to focus on politics in Liberia nowadays. He explains that the settlers who arrived in the 1800s brought with them the idea of fraternal brotherhood, Christianity and Western Culture as a means of gaining political control.
He claimed that many Christian organizations in the country are disguised political parties. After the political drama, leaders of these organizations are often appointed to political positions.
Dr. Liberty who created a new course titled: God in Liberian Church History, for his Master level studies did research and they discovered that most of these para-church organizations do not train or send out missionaries for the great commission of Jesus Christ, but rather for political gains.
He stated that every human being is a political animal and is free to join any party of your choice, but warns that you, as leaders of the church, should not promote your party in your pulpit.
Dr. Liberty advised the leaders of the Gospel to refrain from getting involved in church finances if they want to receive blessings from God. He emphasized that they should solely rely on God for their needs.

In case of any issues faced by their ministry or personal lives, he suggested that they should kneel down and pray for God #39’s guidance and provision.
The newly ordained District Superintendent of Lofa County was reminded that putting God first would enable him to handle the significant responsibility ahead.
Dr. Liberty promised COB/AWF-Liberia support for the new District Superintendent of Lofa and pledged to do everything possible to ensure that the work in the district is successful.
The COB/AWF-Liberia President called on the members of the church to work with their new district superintendent as usual for the good of the Gospel.
In response, the newly ordained district superintendent thanked his members and promised to obey God for the good of the church.
Superintendent Francis M. Kollie said he is grateful to God to be recognized and accepted by COB/AWF as its district superintendent in Lofa County. He expressed his gratitude to Dr. Liberty for completing the task that he had started and for traveling on the dangerous road to Lofa County.
The church and its leaders gowned Dr. Liberty during the program as their gift given him for his contribution to the Christian community.
Thirty-three members of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church in Lofa were baptized on Sunday morning, out of the numbers; twenty-five were female and eight were male.

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