Home Governance Reassignment For Productivity Not Witch Hunt At MOT… Says Deputy Minister Archibald Abban

Reassignment For Productivity Not Witch Hunt At MOT… Says Deputy Minister Archibald Abban

by News Manager

By T. R Dixon

MONROVIA: The Deputy Minister for Administration and Insurance at the Ministry of Transport, Mr. Archibald Abban, says recent reassignment carried out by the authority of the Transport Ministry was done as part of the Ministry’s reform process and was also aimed at enhancing productivity, as such, it should not be misconstrued as a witch-hunt.

Recently The Transport Ministry reassigned some staffs include Madam Hannah G. Sheriff, former Director of Human Resource; Mr. Jallah Herdain, former Director of Procurement; Mr. Bestman Mondaye, Administrative officer; Mr. Mohammed Kamara, former Director for Motor Vehicle; Mr. Lemuel O.Kleeme, former Director of Press and Public Affairs; and Ketuvah Flaman, former Special Assistant, office of the former Minister; and they were asked to report to the Ministry’s Human Resource Department for reassignment.

Deputy Minister Abban, told this paper that prior to he becoming Deputy Minister at the same ministry, he worked for almost 12 years in various positions at the Transport Ministry and knows each and every employee who were reassigned.

He expressed regret as to why people should described their decision as a witch hunt.

“Despite their reassignment and asked to report to the Ministry’s Human Resource Department for reassignment in line with the ministry’s ongoing reform process, they will still be on the Ministry’s payroll, receiving their same salaries and benefits until the Ministry can find other areas for some of the them are be placed in other positions at the Ministry like Madam Hannah G. Sheriff, former Director of Human Resource, who has been appointed as Director of Assess management for the Transport Ministry, I have nothing against any of them,” he said .

According to him, as part of their ongoing process, they have placed emphasis on the Ministry’s Human Resources Management System and payroll verification that would inform their decisions to increase staff incentives policy and a comprehensive financial policy. He added that they are focused and can never be distracted by negative detractors.
He noted that, following their appointment by President Boakai to take over the affairs of the Transport Ministry, they have been working tirelessly to address some of the challenges they inherited that required immediate intervention.
Deputy Minister Abban, indicated that, they inherited an institution that was engulfed with system malfunctions as such it was necessary that the ongoing reform is carried out, therefore it should not be described as a witch hunt.

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